
Calvin and Hobbes

"No matter where you go, there you are." -- Buckaroo Banzai


Fun Places Right Here in Ken's World

Party Central
Party Zone
Consult Ken's Thought for the Day

Try a Virtual Fortune Cookie

Enter the Game Room!

Home Pages of Friends and Fun People

Rainbow's Edge - Fun, fantasy, & practical magic.  Web pages play music.
Steve's Page - Cool pictures and info on pinball and card games.
The Cat House - Renee's Cat House.
The Larsons' Page - Beverly's family pages.
Software Curiosity Shop - Home of free software like Subspace Communications.

Check out these links to other cool sites on the Web!

Official Calvin & Hobbes Site
Spaceman Spif's Homepage
Calvin & Hobbes Tribute
Calvin and Hobbes Site
Garfield OnlineGarfield Online
The CAT User's ManualThe CAT User's Manual
Play online Cat Games at Meowhoo.
Silicon Valley TarotSilicon Valley Tarot
Stress Relief (fun with bubble wrap)
Bud Uglly (spoof of really bad web pages)
Discover what famous people share your birthday
Digital Blasphemy (imaginative wallpaper gallery)