This is a fun zone. No jocks allowed! The object is not to
prove something, but simply to enjoy what you're doing. Like Hobbes, I like to play,
and I love games. I live in a great place for outdoor fun. I enjoy hiking in
the mountains, biking, rollerblading, skiing, snowshoeing, gardening (I grow
roses), and playing soccer. So I'm kind of a jack of all trades. That
sounds pretty great, but it really means that I do many things not very well
(still, I have a fun time doing them!). |
"People do not quit playing because they grow old. They
grow old because they quit playing."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes |
I've been playing soccer for about 10 years. It's great for staying
in shape, and as a side benefit, I've developed great legs (single women, take note).
I started by joining an outdoor, coed recreational soccer league for those over 30.
We play in the spring and fall. Our team has a great attitude about playing for fun.
Our name is the Beer Nuts (our cheer is "Go Nuts!"). As you can
tell, we're a very serious bunch <grin>. To the right, you can see
some of us at a summer cookout party (I'm standing behind the gal in the red shirt). The
Colorado Soccer Net
has information on teams and leagues in the area, including rules, coaching, and
refereeing. |
Since I was having fun with the outdoor soccer, I
starting playing indoors with a group from my outdoor team.
(Indoor soccer is actually similar to hockey -- it's played on a smaller field with
6 on a side counting the goal keeper, and the walls are in bounds.) This has been
great for providing a workout each week throughout the winter. I've also started
playing year-round with a coed soccer team sponsored by my company. The
minimum age for the indoor soccer leagues we play in is just
18, so we "more experienced" (okay, older) players get a workout.
My thought when playing the twenty year olds is, "Age and treachery
will win out over youth and energy."
Colorado Skiing |
I had never tried skiing until I moved to Colorado, but I had
a great time. The Colorado
ski resorts that I've visited so far are Arapahoe Basin, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge,
Copper Mountain, Crested Butte, Keystone, Loveland, Monarch, Steamboat, Vail, and Winter
Park. I've also tried snowboarding, and I had a blast. |
One of the great things about living in Colorado is the opportunity for hiking, everything
from an afternoon hike in the foothills to climbing Colorado's "fourteeners"
(peaks over 14,000 feet in elevation), and snowshoeing in the winter. Colorado has
the proud distinction of being home to 54 of the 68 fourteeners in the United States, and
more than a thousand two-mile high mountains. Trivia Fact: 75% of the land in
the U.S. that is over 10,000 feet is in Colorado.
To date, I've hiked to the summit of 29 Colorado fourteeners. It's worth the
effort, as the views are spectacular. I hope to eventually visit most of the state's
fourteeners, but the window for safe high altitude hiking is only about three or four
months out of the year, due to the threat of sudden storms (I've been hailed on).
The Colorado Mountain Club provides information and
instruction for safe hiking, and the Colorado
Avalanche Information Center lists news and updates for off-season hiking.
I've posted photos in my Hiking Photo Gallery.
Colorado Fourteeners Visited
Name |
Date |
(feet) |
Total Elevation
Gain (feet) |
Total Distance
(miles) |
Mount Lindsey |
30 Aug 1998 |
14,042 |
3500 |
7.6 |
Uncompahgre Peak |
22 Aug 1998 |
14,309 |
3100 |
8.5 |
Castle Peak |
16 Aug 1998 |
14,265 |
3800 |
7.0 |
Humboldt Peak |
1 Aug 1998 |
14,064 |
3800 |
8.4 |
Mount Yale |
27 June 1998 |
14,196 |
4300 |
7.6 |
Mount Antero |
20 June 1998 |
14,269 |
3400 |
7.0 |
Mount Harvard |
6 Sept. 1997 |
14,420 |
4550 |
12.6 |
Mount Columbia |
24 Aug. 1997 |
14,073 |
4200 |
10.0 |
Tabeguache Peak
Mount Shavano |
3 Aug. 1997 |
14,229 |
4700 |
9.2 |
La Plata Peak |
5 July 1997 |
14,336 |
4000 |
9.4 |
Mount Princeton |
28 June 1997 |
14,197 |
3600 |
7.0 |
Long's Peak |
7 Sept. 1996 |
14,255 |
5000 |
14.0 |
Missouri Mountain |
18 Aug. 1996 |
14,067 |
4200 |
12.0 |
Mount Belford
Mount Oxford |
11 Aug.1996 |
14,153 |
5900 |
11.0 |
Pike's Peak |
28 July 1996
16 Aug. 1997 |
14,110 |
7815 |
13.32 |
Mount Huron |
13 July 1996 |
14,003 |
3750 |
8.4 |
Mount Democrat
Mount Lincoln
Mount Bross |
6 July 1996 |
14,172 |
3600 |
7.0 |
Mount Elbert |
3 Sept. 1995 |
14,433 |
4400 |
9.0 |
Mount Evans |
29 July 1995 |
14,264 |
? |
? |
Mount Massive |
16 July 1995
22 Aug. 2004 |
14,421 |
4450 |
13.6 |
Quandary Peak |
20 Aug. 1994
15 Aug. 2004 |
14,265 |
3400 |
5.4 |
Mount Sherman |
30 July 1994 |
14,036 |
3000 |
8.2 |
Mount Bierstadt |
16 July 1994
22 May 1998
14 Sept. 2002 |
14,060 |
2930 |
6.0 |
Torrey's Peak
Gray's Peak |
13 July 1991
6 Sept. 2001 |
14,270 |
3600 |
9.0 |
Note: Multiple dates indicate
more than one successful ascent.
I've had a few strange things happen to me on my hiking trips.
I've documented these stories in "The K-Files". Paranormal activity,
or just another day in Ken's World? You decide.
In August '97, I took part in the
Pikes Peak Ascent, a run up Pikes
Peak (for the truly sick, there's the Pikes Peak Marathon, a run up and down
the mountain). I had the opportunity to make this hike last summer on my
own; taking part in the event just sounded fun (and where else can you climb a
mountain and get a cool shirt for your efforts?). The climb starts at an elevation
of 6,295 feet and gains 7,815 feet before reaching the summit at 14,110 feet. The
starting line is located closer toward the center of Manitou Springs, adding about a mile
and a few hundred feet of climbing compared to starting at the trailhead at the edge of
town. The atmosphere was very festive, despite the 7:00 AM starting time. The
event was very well organized, involving 400 volunteers, with 7 water stations along the
With over 1500 runners, I was happy to be in the second wave, with the slowpokes.
The first mile is fairly easy to run, but when the course reaches the dirt trail, it
narrows and becomes steeper, reducing the pace to a fast walk. It took about 50
minutes for the runners to disperse enough so that we were no longer packed toe to heel.
There are two check points (see the trail map), one at
Barr Camp (about halfway) and the other at the A-Frame shelter (about 3/4 of the way up),
which runners must reach within designated time limits, or be turned back. The Barr
Camp limit is 3 hours and 15 minutes. The A-Frame cutoff is 4.5 hours. I was pleased
to reach each check point an hour before the limit. I took two rest breaks, 15
minutes for lunch at Barr Camp, and 5 minutes at the A-Frame. After Barr Camp, I had
2 hours to cover just 3 miles to make the check point, so I slowed my pace a little to
"Enjoy the ride" and appreciate the beauty of the trail. Just after the
A-Frame, I began passing a few stragglers from the first wave, which was gratifying. I finished in 5:00:22. Yes, if I'd known it was that close to the wire
on the 5 hour mark, I'd have pushed a little more at the end, but that's 45 minutes better
than my time last year to hike up, and the race course is a mile longer than the hiking
trail. This year's first place time was 2:10:41, which is amazing. I was happy
just to finish! If you'd like to read more about running events in the Pike's Peak
area, the Pike's Peak Road Runner's Page provides
current information. |
Fun Facts
Due to the steepness of the last section of Pike's Peak, the trail
switchbacks sharply. Although the last water station is 1.4 miles from the summit
by trail, the water is supplied by running a 2200 foot garden hose straight down from the
These are questions that people actually asked of Park Rangers around the
country, proving once again that there is no known limit to the depths of human stupidity.
(Source: Outside Magazine, May 1995, pp.120-121)
Grand Canyon National Park Was this man-made?
Do you light it up at night?
I bought tickets for the elevator to the bottom - where is it?
Is the mule train air conditioned?
So where are the faces of the presidents? |
Everglades National Park Are the alligators real?
Are the baby alligators for sale?
Where are all the rides? |
Mesa Verde National Park (Colorado) Did people build this, or did Indians?
Why did they build the ruins so close to the road?
What did they worship in the kivas, their own made-up religion?
Do you know of any undiscovered ruins? |
Denali National Park (Alaska) What time do you feed the bears?
Can you show me where the yeti lives?
How often do you mow the tundra?
How much does Mount McKinley weigh? |
Yellowstone National Park Does Old Faithful erupt at night?
How do you turn it on?
When does the guy who turns it on get to sleep?
We had no trouble finding the park entrances, but where are the exits? |
Yosemite National Park Where are the cages for the animals?
What time do you turn on Yosemite Falls?
Can I get my picture taken with the carving of President Clinton? |
U.S. Civil War Why were so many Civil War battles fought in
National Parks?
Who had more airplanes, the North or the South?
What role did the United Nations play in the war?
How come the Indians didn't use the war as a diversion to escape from America?
In what battle was President Lincoln killed?
How many of the Civil War battles were fought in Europe?
How many dogs and cats were killed during the war?
Which side had control of the Pentagon?
Which side was Hawaii on?
Why didn't the North use missiles against the South?
What kind of car did U.S. Grant drive?
Are any of the scenes in the movie "Gettysburg" real war footage? |
Carlsbad Caverns National Park How much of the cave is underground?
So what's in the unexplored part of the cave?
Does it ever rain in here?
How many Ping-Pong balls would it take to fill this up?
So what is this, just a hole in the ground? |
Rocky Mountain National Park At what altitude do the deer become elk?
Hurry, all the elk are leaving the park and running away, you have to close the gate!
Why do you have a cast on the elk's neck?
(Ranger's answer: "That's not a cast, that's a tracking collar.") |